Научно-инжиниринговая группа

Компрессорная, вакуумная, холодильная техника и системы транспорта и переработки газа

Создана специалистами кафедры "Компрессорная, вакуумная и холодильная техника" и Научной школы компрессоростроения Санкт-Петербургского политехнического университета Петра Великого

Numerical Simulation Of Gas-dynamic Characteristics Of The Semi-Open 3D Impellers Of The Two-Element Centrifugal Compressors Stages

Abstract. In the course of the work, the results of estimating the error in the numerical calculation of two-element 3D impeller stages of centrifugal compressors were obtained. Gas dynamic characteristics of 6 computational models of two-element stages of a centrifugal compressor are simulated. Based on available experimental data, models of validation characteristics have been performed. A parametric model has been developed for carrying out multi-criteria and multi-parametric studies.